How Many Golf Balls Should I Carry in My Bag?

How Many Golf Balls Should I Carry in My Bag?

No matter whether you're a novice or an expert at golf, every golfer has to make a decision when it comes to packing their staff bag. Just how many golf balls should you pack for a game of golf?

At gimmeballs, we've done all the hard work for you! Read on to find out how many golf balls you should carry in your bag.


How many golf balls do pro golfers carry?

There is no limit to how many golf balls pros can have in their staff bag. There is a limit, however, on the type of ball they can carry. The rule is that they can carry any number of golf balls, as long as it is the same brand and model. This is also known as the 'One Ball Rule'. 

Pro golfers tend to carry 9 golf balls in their staff bag, but there are a few players who have carried as little as 6 golf balls, and as many as 12 golf balls! It depends on whether they're planning on giving away a few golf balls to fans or spectators, or how sure they are that they won't lose a ball in the out of bounds area.

By having 9 golf balls in tow, pros can ensure that they will have many to spare if they wish to change their ball throughout the round. It's very unlikely that a golf pro will actually use all 9 golf balls, but it's more of a just-in-case precaution.

You wouldn't want to be stuck without a ball at the PGA Championship now, would you?


How many golf balls do you lose on average per round?

On average, an amateur golf player will lose two balls per round. If you visit your golf club a few times a week, you could be losing up to 6 perfectly decent golf balls weekly! 

One of the reasons why amateurs lose their golf balls is because their white exterior can be hard to follow against the pale sky, meaning the ball is hard to find wherever it may land. Coloured golf balls are particularly suited for beginner and amateur golfers, as they're easy to follow in the sky, and just as easy to find when they land.


How many golf balls should I bring for 18 holes?

It's time to do some quick maths...if the average golf player loses two balls per round and if you believe you lose your golf balls more frequently than the average person, then you will need at least 9 golf balls in your staff bag. You will most likely never need more than 12 balls.

The perfect amount of golf balls to carry is anything from 6 to 12, depending on your answers to the following questions: 


1. Are you walking or driving around the course?

If you're walking around the course, the last thing you'll want is to be weighed down by 12 golf balls. Take this into consideration when packing your golf balls into your staff bag, and be realistic about how many you're most likely to lose throughout the round. 


2. How serious is the game? 

If you're playing with friends or family, it's very unlikely that the One Ball Rule will be in play (unless you're extremely competitive!). This means you can try out a few different golf balls throughout the round, and you can bring as many as you wish (or as many as you can carry).

If you're in a tournament, the ball rules are a bit more serious, and you will have to ensure that you abide by the One Ball Rule throughout the round.


3. Do you find the particular course difficult? 

If you're playing a golf course that you'd define as your nemesis, or a golf course that you've never played before, this is where you may want to bring 8+ golf balls in your bag.

For example, a difficult course could have more hazards such as trees, water or sand bunkers. These hazards are designed to be difficult, so you may be more likely to lose a golf ball on courses like this. To avoid being left without a golf ball to play, you should bring extra golf balls to any course that you'd consider difficult. 


Subscribe and save on golf balls with gimmeballs!

At gimmeballs, we believe that you can never have too many golf balls. Whether you're just starting out or you'd like to stock up on a selection golf balls, we provide a golf ball subscription service where you can get golf balls delivered to your door every month. We also sell a variety of golf balls in packs of 3 or packs of 12 for your convenience.

P.S. This deal even includes FREE personalisation and shipping. If you ever find that you have too many, you can also cancel or pause your golf ball subscription at any time.


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